EU Mobility Package:

Timeline and impact of the new transport regulations

In July 2020, the EU adopted a three-part collection of initiatives to regulate the governing, administration and operation of road transport across the EU. Already the following month, new rules regarding driving and rest times entered into force and new driver rights was implemented (four weeks return to home). In February 2022 new rules are being implemented that will impact the administration and operation of big parts of the transport segment in the EU.

Key dates to be aware of

August 20, 2020
Driving and rest times

The driver has to get the ability to return every four weeks to a private address or operations center in the country/place of employment.

Rest documentation must be stored in the employer’s office.

February 2, 2022
European road package outplacement

When a company outplaces drivers to work in another EU country, the drivers salary must comply with those of the host country (cabotage and cross trade transports).

All outplacement transports must be reported to IMI with an outplacement declaration. We await enforcement rules in the EU. Every country might have their own enforcement strategy.

February 21, 2022
Return to home rules · New cabotage rules · Exit of combi directive

Every eight weeks, all vehicles must return to their usual operation center where the vehicle is registered.

The new rules also include a “cool-down period,” meaning that trucks are still allowed a maximum of three cabotage trips but after these trips the truck must now have a 96-hour cool-down period before allowed new cabotage trips.

The transport company must keep an activity registration for all cabotage and international transports. Signatures, transport documents, and driver paychecks dating 12 months back are expected to be in custody at a control.

EU Road Package, purpose and consequences

Phase 2:
The EU Road Package aims to create better and more equal conditions for road freight transport. Phase 2 has been implemented February 2nd with the following main regulations:

  • Increased documentation requirements in terms of IMI registration, payroll documentation, increased control pressure, etc.,
  • Many Eastern European countries are introducing changes in payroll taxation for drivers due to the EU Road Package

Phase 3:
Phase 3 will be implemented with effect from February 21st with the following main regulations:

  • “Return to home”: The truck must, without exception, return to the haulier’s home address every eight weeks,
  • “Cool down period”: a 4-days waiting period for cabotage driving is introduced after 3 cabotage trips are performed

All initiatives that will impact the flexibility, capacity and mix of hauliers and their nationality.

Read more

Read more about the rules on the official EU site or IRU’s website.